Japanese Playstation Network Card 1000 JPY

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SKU: japanese-playstation-network-card-1000jpyCategory: Japanese Playstation Network Card
Redeemable only at the PlayStation Store for Japanese Network.
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PlayStation Network Card 1000 JPY is an easy way to add funds to your Japan PlayStation Network account without the need of Japanese credit cards.
Use the card to purchase downloadable games, game add-ons, full-length movies, TV shows and other content that you can play or view on your PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PS Vita systems.
Accessing Japan PlayStation Store requires a Japanese PSN account, free and easy registration, no credit card required.
Note: Japanese PSN wallet has balance limit of 20000JPY. It will give you an error if you try to redeem more than that. Please use the remaining amount in your PSN wallet before redeeming new cards.