Monster Hunter Rise: The Newest Monster Hunter Game with Shinobi Style

Hunters! If your Nintendo is broken right now, you better fix it soon. Capcom has officially announced the new installment of Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Rise during The Game Awards. This time, you will not be just a normal hunter, but you will fight like a shinobi. So we think you don’t want to miss this!
Here, you will be a hunter from a “ninja-inspired” Kamura Village, with a duty to protect the village from the threat of monsters. You might have seen some of the monsters from the previous installment, but have you ever wondered what kind of monsters you will face in Monster Hunter Rise? Without further ado, let’s look into the newest monster in this series!

The legendary Kappa from Japanese Folklore now comes into Monster Hunter! Its gigantic size makes it able to swallow you in one piece. You need to fight like a Shinobi to evade all of its attacks.
Aknosom and Great Izuchi

Those two birdies are known for their territorial nature. Before entering their zone, it’s better to prepare your equipment or those wyverns will strike you without mercy!

If humans have Joker to play pranks, then monsters have Bishaten to do the same. He loves to collect fruits so he can play some tricks on people that show up around the forest.

Every Monster Hunter series has its iconic monster on the game, so if you ask who is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Rise. Then the answer is “Magnamalo”, the most fearsome monster in the series which ready to hunt you down!

Under the moonlight, it often has been mistakenly referred to as the mermaid. Be careful not to be fooled by its appearance. She will put you into sleep before attacking.
Yatsukadaki and Bombadgy

So far no detailed information about these monsters, The explanation is only about races they belong from. As we don’t want to give half information to you, you can come back later before the release ;)
In fact, very few hunters can claim to have survived so long at Monster Hunter games if they directly challenge those newest monsters without planning. So what we can suggest is that you gain more experience on the new hunting ground, then you can face those monsters. Remember, experience is always the great teacher. So don't you dare to fight those newest monsters without proper training if you don’t want Monster Hunter Rise to be your grave!