Latest Updates of Pokémon Sword and Shield: Galarian Form, Poke Jobs, New Pokémon and More
The latest information about Pokémon Sword and Shield has released on its official website. You will be introduced to Galarian Pokémon form evolutions, new team, new rivals, and Poke Jobs. Certain Pokémon have adapted to the unique environment of one specific region and look different than the same species might look when finding in another region.
These different appearances are known as the regional forms of those Pokémon, and it seems their behavior also differs from that of their previously discovered forms. The Galar region has its own regional forms of Pokémon, known as Galarian forms. Let’s jump into the details below!
Galarian Form Pokémon
Galarian Weezing
Category: Poison Gas Pokémon
Type: Poison/Fairy
Height: 9’10”
Weight: 35.3 lbs.
Ability: Levitate/???
Galarian Weezing consumes polluted air and poisonous gases for sustenance. The air and gases absorbed will have toxins removed before being spewed out again from the tops of Weezing’s heads. The toxins accumulated within Weezing’s body form into concentrated poison gas clouds that leak out and drift around it. This gas is so potent that even a whiff is enough to stun and immobilize an opponent. It is Weezing’s best weapon during battles.
Galarian Zigzagoon
Category: Tiny Raccoon Pokémon
Type: Dark/Normal
Height: 1’4″
Weight: 38.6 lbs.
Ability: Pickup/Gluttony
The Zigzagoon of Galar never settle down and are known to inhabit all areas of the region, including fields, forests, and towns. There is some speculation that the zigzag movements of the Zigzagoon in other regions stem from the restless nature of Galarian Zigzagoon, considered to be the oldest branch of the species. Galarian Zigzagoon enjoys battles and will charge at people and other Pokémon in an attempt to provoke a fight. This behavior usually succeeds in starting a battle with other Pokémon, but humans tend to think Galarian Zigzagoon is just playing or showing affection.
Galarian Linoone
Category: Rushing Pokémon
Type: Dark/Normal
Height: 1’8″
Weight: 71.7 lbs.
Ability: Pickup/Gluttony
Galarian Linoone can reach speeds of over 60 miles per hour and can deliver devastating Tackles and Headbutts. With enough destructive force to knock away a car, these attacks can also throw Linoone off-balance if they miss. Galarian Linoone is rash and fearless and will recklessly pick fights even with opponents stronger than themselves. Their boldness and their tendency to attack opponents head-on make Galarian Linoone very popular among the disaffected youth of the Galar region.
Galarian Form Evolutions
Category: Blocking Pokémon
Type: Dark/Normal
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 101.4 lbs.
Ability: Reckless/Guts
The Linoone of the Galar region live in harsh conditions and engage in fierce competition with others of their species. As a result, their survival instincts have been honed, leading to their Evolution into Obstagoon. Though Obstagoon is extremely combative, it often does not launch the first attack. It will taunt an opponent, goading it into attacking. When it does, Obstagoon will cross its arms and meet the oncoming attack with its Obstruct move. Obstagoon is especially skilled at throwing its opponents off guard and counterattacking with its sharp claws.
Form-Changing Pokémon
Some Pokémon can change their form, often because of the effects of certain items or their own Ability. Some of these form changes don’t just change the Pokémon’s appearance but also affect the types of its moves or even change its Ability.
Category: Two-Sided Pokémon
Type: Electric/Dark
Height: 1′
Weight: 6.6 lbs.
Ability: Hunger Switch
The sacs in Morpeko’s cheeks constantly generate electricity. This consumes energy, causing Morpeko to be constantly hungry. To satisfy this hunger, Morpeko always carries around Berry seeds to snack on. When experiencing prolonged hunger, Morpeko’s hormone balance changes. This causes its fur to change colors and triggers more aggressive and volatile behavior. The energy stored in its cheek sacs also changes from Electric-type to Dark-type. Morpeko’s Ability, Hunger Switch, is a new Ability that causes it to change its appearance each turn. Aura Wheel is Morpeko’s signature move, and it changes type depending on Morpeko’s form. In Full Belly Mode, the move is Electric-type. In Hangry Mode, the move becomes Dark-type.
People of the Galar Region
Many trainers from all over the Galar region participate in the Gym of Galar, a battle festival that challenges the various gyms to become champions. Let's see two new trainers that will appear as rival heroes.
Bede is one of your rivals who is skilled at Pokémon battles and has the pride to match! He has joined the Gym Challenge, having received his endorsement from Rose, the chairman of the Galar Pokémon League. While he clearly is aiming to become Champion, he seems to have other objectives as well.
Marnie is one of your rivals who has a competitive side. Together with her partner Morpeko, she aims to become the Champion of the Galar region in order to accomplish a certain goal. She has many passionate fans, thanks to her sense of style and calm, calculated battle strategies.
Team Yell
Team Yell is a group of troublemakers who seem to appear everywhere and who attempt to get in the way at every opportunity. They want nothing more than for Marnie to become Champion, so they try to obstruct other challengers. They take over hotel lobbies, prevent challengers from accessing transportation, and even shout and distract opponents during battle. Whenever Marnie battles, these Team Yell Grunts are quick to appear, showing their support with Marnie-print towels and horns.
Poke Jobs
There are many places requesting the help of Pokemon, including corporations and universities
You’ll choose the Pokémon you want to send to the Poke Job from your Boxes. Each Pokémon sent to a Poke Job will come back having grown from the experience
They’ll receive rewards like Exp. Points or base points, and how much they get will depend on factors like how long they work and their types
You can accept jobs from the Rotomi you can find in every Pokémon Center around the Galar region. Rotomi has many different features aside from Poké Jobs, too—you can access your Boxes or even have a go at the Loto-ID.
You can find Rotomi in any Pokémon Center in the Galar region and also It has many features, such as the Loto-ID
You can watch the trailer here:
Pokémon Sword and Shield will release on November 19, this year for Nintendo Switch. Pre-order now are available on their official website. If you are looking for Japanese Nintendo Prepaid Cards, you can check on!