5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year - Japan Code Supply

5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year

Dec 18, 2019

The New Year is here and we’ve found some interesting things online to compile into a list of 5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year. Each person must have their own tradition in spending this special day. Whether it’s staying in with your loved ones, visiting family and friends or other rituals that involve interaction with lots of people. But what about otaku gamers? Do they spend it like other people or do they have any special way?

We have done research online (and offline) and found some unique and quirky things that gaming otaku do on New Year. It may apply to some of them or may not apply at all, but this list of 5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year will sure get you intrigued! So what are you waiting for? Read awaaaay~

Playing Games

5 Things Gamers Otaku Do on New Year

What is the best thing to start our list of 5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year other than what they do the most? Yup, playing games is definitely one of the things otaku gamers do on New Year (if not, most). Staying true to their name, otaku gamers, they spend most of their time on this special day playing new games or even continuing their last ones. No matter what festivities outside of their room are happening, there is no better way to spend their holiday snuggle up and armed up with their favorite snacks while strategizing their next move on the game. It is also an excuse for them to stay home and cut back on the socializing that often tires them out. 

Reading Manga and Watching Anime

5 Things Gamers Otaku Do on New Year

This particular activity on our list of 5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year may be merged with what most of Otaku, in general, do on this special day. The difference is, what they’re watching maybe the TV Animation version of what games they’re playing. The choices are not limited to that only, but also other shows that intrigued them or have good ratings online. After all, otaku gamers activities are not strictly gaming only but also branched to other Japanese animation related things.

Forced by Parents to Go Socialize

5 Things Gamers Otaku Do on New Year

In the spirit of festivities, family members (especially parents) usually encourages activities that mainly involve socializing to have some fun (they said). That may not be the case for the otaku gamers out there that prefer staying home with their favorite thing to do, playing games. This entry may seem weird but it actually happens in real life. Parents can be quite pushy if it's regarding their children's social life and family activities, and otaku gamers sometimes become a victim of their pushiness to participate in said events. Of course, not all otaku games were (forcefully) pushed to join. Some of them opt to just go with it so it will end faster and they can go back to one of the things otaku gamers do on New Year, playing games.

Waiting on Their Favorite Game's New Year Events

5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year

What is a New Year without some events? This applies in the gaming world as well, and that is the inspiration for this entry on our list of 5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year. Thanks to the high amount of events held by games all over the world in the spirit of festivity on this day, many of the otaku gamers would opt to stand by for their long-awaited events. Limited-time and one-time-only gacha or bonus are some of the things they wait for on this special day.

Gathering for Fellow Otaku Gamers

5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year

(Image Source: https://www.ana-cooljapan.com/contents/dreams/movie/gamebar/INT13071014)

Last, but not least, gathering of fellow gaming fans is definitely on our list of 5 Things Otaku Gamers Do on New Year. The activities they do on this special day does not necessarily have to be strictly gaming only. Sometimes they held a gathering with other otaku gamers just to have some fun, discuss games, sharing updates, or even play the game itself. Throw in a couple of drinking sessions for those of legal age, their unique way of spending New Year’s day becomes something even other people can enjoy.

What other things otaku gamers do on new years can you think of? Let us know down below in the comments. Here’s a little treat for all the otaku gamers to spice up your New Year’s festivity, Use discount code '3OFF’ to get a $3 off for every purchase above $50 only at japancodesupply.com!