“Goose House” is a Japanese band that began as a musical cooperative of singer songwriters. It’s a spin-off of Sony’s PR project for the “Play You.” walkman (gosh, do you even remember those?)- where artists and musicians applied to live in the same house and work together, releasing their content via internet.
“Goose House” actually gained their momentum through youtube covers- familiar territory for big name artist in North America (cough- Justin Bieber). They mainly cover Japanese pop songs, but there are a few sweet oldies in their playlist too.
Like the Candies, for instance.
For some God-forsaken reason, SONY hasn’t released the original Candies’ “Toshishita No Otokono Ko” (A Boy Who’s Younger Than Me) on the internet, but you can find many beautiful renditions on Recochoku. Either that, or I’m too stupid to find the original recording. That may be… But Goose House really got people’s attention through this amazing cover of the Radwimps song “おしゃかしゃま”(Oshakashama) that you can watch and listen below:
They’ve released a much anticipated new single “光るなら”(Hikarunara- If You’re Going to Shine) on November 19th. If you’re in Japan, you’ve probably seen their TV ads a bunch of times. Here it is:
You can watch a live acoustic version too:
KILLER. If you’re an indie bopper like me, you should support these DIY artists. Too many plastic looking lip syncs dominate the J-Pop industry. In solidarity with true art! Available on iTunes Japan store and iTunes Japan gift cards available through JapanCodeSupply.